Zonta Club Goulburn - 16 Days of Activism


The club has put together 16 baskets for women who have had to flee from violence in the home. These items enable these families to set up in a new home. Zonta Club Goulburn invited guest speakers to talk about domestic violence in the area.

Guest speakers Toni Rae and Jody Watson work with Anglicare NSW
663 families have been assisted this year. Families are housed in Anglicare units for up to 12 months. Services include counselling and referring victims to other services as required.

This year there has been an increase in domestic violence occurrence, although there were fewer cases reported to the police. Victims are often reluctant to tell anyone. Anglicare also provides programs for high school students to educate them about relationships.

The Federal government has agreed to provide 5.2 million dollars in funding for housing to help families of victims.

Guest speaker Daniel Strickland works with Mission Australia
He is an ambassador for White Ribbon. White Ribbon Day is Friday 20th November and there is an information stall in the Goulburn Square shopping centre on Friday 20th and Wednesday 25th November.

The majority of the victims of domestic violence are women.

Positive Male role models are needed in the community – helping through sport and other community events.

Step up if you see acts of violence and intervene and if unsafe to do so dial 000.

Zonta can help with items such as food, clothes and household items to set up their accommodation. It is of a great help to Anglicare to have these items donated and they would not be able to help so many people if it not for this help.

Zonta Club of Goulburn Empowering Women Through Service and Advocacy https://www.facebook.com/zontaClubGoulburn
1800 737 732

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